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Maplewood + Concord Hall
Masonic Hall
22 Thornton Road
“The favorite pastime of the boys during the lunch period and recess periods was playing Indians in the yard. Sometimes the girls persuaded us to play drop-the-handkerchief, tag, and London-bridge-is-falling-down with them. Once I was terribly humiliated by having my right hand bound with a bandage for three days as a severe punishment for some misdemeanor. And I do remember that distinctly. Who wouldn’t?” (Hannum, p. 86).
The Maplewood Institute was a private high school that began as a co-ed school but changed to an all-boys school for prominent families in the area. Professor Joseph Shortlidge was the founder and head of the school but mysteriously died, and the school soon shuttered. The school building itself was demolished, but the gymnasium exists today.
The Masonic Hall was built in 1896 and constituted in Map 1902. It was and still is a social and meeting hall for the Concord Masonic Lodge No. 625, which is still active.
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