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View From the Yard
William Hannum – Bertha Fairies House
438 Smithbridge Road

“Ever since I was big enough to push a lawn mower, I have enjoyed mowing the yard.We had a wide expanse of yard to be mowed… Father and Mother were both very particular about keeping the yard looking neat and trim and making it attractive with a wide variety of annual and perennial flowers” (Hannum, p. 20).
This view of Concord Road is taken from the driveway of the “New Home.” The 1924 landscape was primarily farmland.
Today, the open landscape of this picture is developed. The Concord-Smithbridge intersection is busy with traffic headed to the multiple Garnet Valley Schools just down Smithbridge Road. A few Craftsman-style homes were built adjacent and across from the “New Home.” While the open farmland has been built up, many mature trees line the busy intersection and yards of the neighboring homes.

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