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Our Farm
Moses Palmer – William Hannum House
387 Concord Road

“When I became six years of age and was old enough to go to school, Aunt Lil (Lydia Hannum), Father’s sister, was then, in 1896, conducting a small private school for children in the neighborhood at ‘Overfield’” (Hannum, p. 85).
The Moses Palmer – William Hannum House was built c. 1750-1850. A larger home was built around the original building in the mid-1800s. The home was dubbed “Overfield” by the Hannum family. The farm was bisected by Concord Road. William Hannum II farmed 50 acres of land on the West side of Concord Road, while Overfield sat with the remaining land on the East side. The Black Walnut barn behind Overfield is seen in the 1924 photograph, but does not remain today. Three new homes stand behind Overfield on the land previously used as a meadow and back field, according to the 1952 Hannum Farm map.

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