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The Harvey Farm
Formerly “Elton Farm”
800 block of Concord Road looking down across the Conchester Highway / location estimated

“Although I definitely showed a disinclination to be a farmer as I grew older, harvesting was one phase of farming I really enjoyed. Something about the work appealed to me. As soon as I was sufficiently grown, I enjoyed gathering up the sheafs of wheat as they were thrown from the binder and stacking them into neat shocks, even though it was hard, hot work trying to keep up with the binder" (Hannum, p. 40).
The Harvey Farm, also known as Elton Farm, was a large tract of open farmland across from present-day Route 322. Bartram Harvey and his family lived at the Thomas Marshall – Ellis Marshall House and farmed their land until the mid-1900s.
This land is developed today, but the Marshall House still stands on a high hill overlooking Route 322.

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