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Cross Keys Tavern
182 Concord Road area
Demolished / location estimated
“Cider was served at meals in tumblers until it became too hard to drink. When it began to have a strong, flat taste, Father treated it with brown sugar and raisins, and out a kettle of it on the back of the cook stove to simmer. Although this brew tasted like sweet cider, it really approached the potency of apple jack or apple brandy” (Hannum, p. 20).
The Cross Keys Tavern was a public house opened in 1782 by Frederick Steen. It was also where residents of Concord and surrounding areas could vote in elections.
The building was demolished, but the original tavern sign is displayed at the Concord Township Historical Society’s museum along Smithbridge Road. Large, dark stones lay in the general area where the tavern once stood. Perhaps these stones are from the stone portion of the building or the foundation.
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